Protecting your property rights.
Real estate law helps to control the use of land or property. Your real estate attorney ensures that the entire real estate process is handled smoothly and within legal bounds. Real estate law helps protects your rights to your property. It ensures that you are able to own and use your property as you see fit, along with any permanent landmarks attached to it. Your real estate attorney protects your property rights and everything related to the real estate process.
Real estate law usually encompasses three things: personal property, intangible property, and anything attached to the property such as buildings or landmarks. Personal property items might include items such as furniture, or anything capable of being moved.
Landmarks would include buildings, land, or anything directly attached to the property itself. Intangible property items would include something not physically capable of being owned or attached to the property, but something that holds significance to the property itself, such as stock, certificates, or documents.
Much of the real estate process is regulated by law, dependent upon the property, this may be governed by environmental or common law. Federal law usually plays no role in real estate law; although federal law does govern certain aspects surrounding real estate law. Federal law plays a part in the altitude in which a plane can fly over certain properties. This is extremely important when it comes to housing or personal landmarks.