Elmiron Side Effects
Elmiron, or pentosan polysulfate sodium, is a drug prescribed to patients for the treatment of interstitial cystitis, which is also known as “painful bladder disorder” (IC). This drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1996, which is the only approved oral medication that can treat this condition.
Interstitial cystitis can cause bladder pressure and bladder and pelvic pain if not treated, and mostly affects women. The pain can occur intermittently or chronically and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. IC is quite common and affects 1 to 4 million men and 3 to 8 million women in the United States. There is currently no cure for IC.
According to Janssen Pharmaceuticals, which is a division of the medical corporation Johnson & Johnson and a manufacturer of Elmiron, the price for Elmiron has been on the rise due to the lack of alternative medication for the treatment of interstitial cystitis. Due to increasing demand, many more people are paying escalating amounts to get their hands on this drug.
If you’ve taken the drug Elmiron and are experiencing maculopathy, vision problems or other side effects it is highly recommended that you see your physician immediately and then consult with an Elmiron lawyer. Upon knowing all the facts from your doctor and attorney, you can then best determine whether legal action against Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of the drug, is your best course of action.
As of this year, Janssen Pharmaceuticals updated their website with information listing vision damage as a potential side effect of using Elmiron. Janssen states that “pigment changes in the retina of the eye” may be a risk factor, and lists down the possible symptoms, such as blurry vision and trouble in seeing at low lighting.
What is the Elmiron Lawsuits about?
Short answer – maculopathy.
In Elmiron lawsuits, plaintiffs have accused Janssen Pharmaceuticals, manufacturer of Elmiron, of failing to fully disclose the dangers of taking Elmiron. In 2018, in a study by Dr. Nieraj Jain. from Emory Eye Center in Atlanta, six patients have developed maculopathy over the course of 16 years of exposure to Elmiron.
In another research by Kaiser Permanente in California, it was discovered that 25 percent of people who take the medication have experienced damage in their retinas. Also, further research concluded that the higher the dosage of Elmiron, the more toxic it is.
Plaintiffs argue that Janssen have failed to mention or warn about maculopathy or any vision damage on their list of side effects while they continued to market and manufacture the drug since the 2000s.