Don’t get caught in a wreck.
It is easy to get arrested when you are feeling fine even though you have been drinking. Alcohol, drugs, or medications can often make us doubt our abilities and put us in compromising situations. It may have been hours since you last drank but if your BAC is over the limit, odds are you are going to be in a big amount of trouble. If you so much as swerve or drive with any sort of erraticism, you run the risk of being pulled over by the police. If you are pulled over by the police and given a sobriety test, you will be arrested if any substance is found in your system.
Dependent upon the severity of the situation, you might be facing the harshest punishment possible. This could include jail time, exorbitant fines, court fees, and a DUI on your record. Having a DUI on your record can affect many different parts of your life including school, insurance issues, as well as your career. If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI, we are here to help. We have had experience with even the most severe types of cases and can help get your charges, fines, and jail time reduced.
Here’s what you need to know about a first-time DUI offense.
Getting a first-time DUI offense can potentially scar you for life. Not everyone has the same experience when it comes to a DUI offense. Some people have a relatively easy experience where it does not affect their future jobs, insurance, or schooling experience. Others are scarred and have a very tough time being able to continue on with a successful future.
The saddest part of a DUI is that the highest percentage rate of substance-impaired drivers are those who have children. It is extremely dangerous to not only yourself and others but if your child is in the car, you are potentially risking ending his or her life.
Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to be impaired with even just one-drink or minimal substance use. There are many DIY fixes for sobriety impairment, but none of these will truly work to sober you up. Once the substance is in your system, you are risking a possible DUI offense. This applies to not only alcohol, but any substance. Since Marijuana has become legal in many states, the rate of impairment due to marijuana intoxication has now gone up.
Many first-time offenders are closeted drug addicts or alcoholics. Many people have a hard time beating their addiction and knowing the correct choices to make when it comes to affecting their future. Often, these addicts believe they are sober enough to drive and get behind the wheel to find that even one drink or a small amount of toxicity in their system affects their driving. Next thing they know, they are pulled over by the police and being taken to the nearest police station. Whether or not you spend a few hours, to days, to months in jail depends upon the severity of the charge, as well as the arresting officer and how well you cooperate at the scene. Agreeing to any and all sobriety tests will work to your benefit as not agreeing or cooperating will work against you in court.